BCi Best Boy Pocket DMX Console
This item is not available in Europe
The Baxter Controls Best Boy console is a basic and reliable device to setup or run a DMX-512 controlled, single universe system. The console features 8 fully recordable submasters in the Playback-8 software.
Included with your BCi Pocket Console Best Boy Rental:
- Power Supply
- Roadcase
We strive to provide impeccably maintained rental equipment for the entertainment industry that is prepped and ready for your event. Our experienced staff stands ready to help you with your lighting, video, rigging & production needs. Rental inventory availability may vary based on date and 4Wall location. In cases where your preferred item is unavailable, we'll do our best to suggest a suitable replacement.
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- True recording console
- Small, lightweight, portable and designed to be hand held
- Levels are set using eight faders (slider pots)
- Up to 8 Submaster scenes can be recorded
- Each FADER has an associated bump button
- Flushmount power and DMX I/O receptacles are on the side of the 1060 case
- The faders are patchable using from 0 to 512 dimmer addresses per fader
- The unit is powered by a 9v battery OR by a 120v AC power supply